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Contact Records: Changing Contact Type
Authored by: Jessica Mocha-Piel
on 3/8/2025 2:31:00 PM


From time to time, a contact record type may have been incorrectly assigned. This could include assignment of a household record instead of a person contact record type. The contact type can be easily changed from the contact listing screen.


  1. Warning: Transforming data can cause irreversible changes to your database. Make sure you back up your data first.

Instructions - Manual Adjustments

Step 1: Locate your contact by navigating to the People App > Organizations & People > Search & Manage > locate your contact record
Step 2: Under the ACTIONS column, hover over the ellipse to expose the Change Type option
Step 3: A pop-up will guide the user to Change to type. Click CHANGE to complete.
    1. Note: It is important to note that changing a contact type will lose all type specific information. However, all transactional and historical information will be retained.

Instructions - Bulk Adjustments

The following steps will guide users on bulk adjustments to a contact type (i.e. modifying "People" to "Household" record types). As a prerequisite, locate all CharityEngine Contact Ids to be modified.  

Step 1: Access the Automation App > General > Import/Export > Create New > Import (select new or classic). Import to people.
Step 2: Make sure your file includes the Contact Id, Contact Type, and Organization Name (when converting to an organization), First Name and Last Name (when converting to a person), and/or Household Name (when converting to a household).
    • The user can combine multiple type in one job, ensure that the Contact Type contains the change type of Organization, People, or Household
    • The name should then be added to the corresponding "Name" field
Step 3: Finish import as you normally would.
As a best practice, for first time updates, CharityEngine recommends completing a sample set to ensure the correct attributions/adjustments have been made.

FAQs & Further Reading

Q. What contact types are available in CharityEngine?
A. Contacts are assigned as one of three available options:
    1. People: Individual donors/constituents
    2. Organizations: Corporations, institutions, or organization 
    3. Households: A contact record associated with a household - can have Head of Household, Spouse, and/or other relationships associated with the household

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