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on 3/8/2025 2:31:00 PM

CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more or to request login credentials. 

Please Visit: CharityEngine Academy


Navigating the Welcome Screen 
CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding the Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) tool.

General Account Settings

CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding the Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) tool.

The CharityEngine Contacts Application (CRM)

CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding the Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) tool.

Prospect Management - Opportunities Basics
CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more.

The CharityEngine Donations Application
The Donations application is a tool that manages all of your transactions data. You may manage existing transactions or enter new ones through this application. All financial, contact, fundraising, campaign and event data for a specific transaction is stored here.

What is the Donations Application?
Donations Application Basics 
Batch Entry Process
CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding the Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) tool.

The CharityEngine Campaigns Application
CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more and access video content regarding creating audience lists, crafting marketing creative, testing and launching marketing series, and monitoring results. 

The CharityEngine Events & Volunteers Application
Auction Basics
Volunteers Basics

CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding creating, managing and monitoring events.

The CharityEngine Advocacy Application
CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding creating advocacy issues and reaching your constituents.

The CharityEngine Online Application
CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding creating and managing web forms and Peer to Peer functionality.

The CharityEngine Automation & Workflow Application

CharityEngine now offers CharityEngine Academy to all clients. Please reach out to your Account Manager or Customer Support to learn more access video content regarding reports, queries, and workflow automation.

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